ZELLA DAYhttpwww.theguardian.commusic2014aug15zella-day-new-band-of-the-week-18




Zella Day-Compass





We can build a tree house in the pine trees


我們在 松林中 搭起樹屋


 We can keep our secrets buried underneath


 我們將 秘密 埋藏地底


 Wild flowers crushed between your fingers


你的指間掠過 野花 揉皺


 Clinging to the wild things that raised us


 沾染 那滋養我們的 野性


 Compass points your home,


 羅盤 指引你 返家的路


 Calling out from the east




 Compass points you anywhere


 指針 引領你至 任何地方


 Closer to me






 If we make it out alive from the depths of the sea


 若我倆 渡過這 萬丈深淵


 Compass points you anywhere


 指針 將引領你至 任何地方


 Closer to me




 Where you are, I will be




 Miles high, in the deep


 無論 天邊或滄海


 Where you are, I will be




 Anywhere, in between






 Take me to the garden of your ecstasy


 帶我到你那 迷魂花園


 Make myself a heaven from your falling leaves




 Woven in the fabric of your tapestry




 Cover me in honeysuckle memories




 Compass points your home,


 羅盤 指引你 返家的路


 Calling out from the east




 Compass points you anywhere


 指針 引領你至 任何地方


 Closer to me






 If we make it out alive from the depths of the sea


 若我倆 渡過這 萬丈深淵


 Compass points you anywhere


 指針 將引領你至 任何地方


 Closer to me




 Where you are, I will be




 Miles high, in the deep


 無論 天邊或滄海


 Where you are, I will be




 Anywhere, in between






 I will take the pieces, put them back together


 我會重拾、拼湊起 回憶碎片


 Even when the grass isn't green enough


 即使原野 尚未佈滿綠茵


 Taking all the badges, build ourselves a mansion




 Love you in the way that you needed love




 Where you are, I will be




 Miles high, in the deep


 無論 天邊或滄海


 Where you are, I will be




 Anywhere, in between















    創作者 summerinsoda 的頭像

    Summer, 慢半拍

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